Trucking accidents
Many people mistakenly believe that a trucking accident case is conducted just like a regular car accident, however, this belief and approach is incorrect and could result in a less than appropriate settlement. If you have been involved in a trucking accident, it is important to hire a lawyer who has the knowledge and experience in how to handle unique trucking accidents.
Trucking accidents often result in more significant injuries than a regular accident, and usually involve corporate defendants and much larger insurance policies than car accident cases. Often, Plaintiffs will also directly sue the insurance company that provides liability coverage to the trucking company, very different to a standard car accident case. Trucking accidents will sometimes involve multiple injured plaintiffs, all represented by different lawyers, thus resulting in a “race” to get to the money before the insurance runs out.
If you have been involved in a trucking accident, it is important to call our firm immediately. We will work to secure any police investigative reports, will conduct our own investigation and inspection of both vehicles, will immediately demand the trucking company preserve all their evidence of the accident, and will coordinate with our network of doctors and medical providers to ensure your injuries are treated with no up-front cost to you. We will also coordinate to ensure that your property damage needs are addressed.
The insurance carriers of trucking companies are not on your side and will have the upper hand in their interactions with you. Their investigations are designed to hurt your case and ensure they save as much money as possible.
Call our offices for your free trucking accident case evaluation today.